Time Management, It’s Vital!

We all have a little internal monologue that directs us to rebel against all forms of organisation, from lists to…

We all have a little internal monologue that directs us to rebel against all forms of organisation, from lists to being on time for a party. But the reality is that if you want to excel at ANYTHING in life, being responsible for managing your time is essential to success.

Do you think Oprah Winfrey forgets to send her invoices? Or Sandra Sully turns up 10 mins after her shift has started? Or George Colombaris only knocks up 60% of the menu he promised guests a week before? NO! None of them do any of that on a regular basis; they are all in positions of success because they do what they say they are going to do and if they can’t they’re accountable for it and manage the outcome.

From admin roles to CEO’s of global organisations, every single type of position requires time management. What do you think would happen if the Receptionist forgot to greet customers or book meeting rooms for a whole week? Or, the clerk at the servo only served 6 out of 10 customers before going on his lunch break? How about if Steve Jobs (RIP) simply forgot to email the latest Apple updates to his developers before they commenced work on the next iPhone?!

So, what’s the best way to start managing your time effectively you ask? First of all, you need to:

Be accountable

If you tell someone you’re going to do something, do it. And, if you aren’t able to deliver on the agreed deadline, then manage other people’s expectations ahead of time.

Make lists

Write down everything you need to be accountable for in the week and systematically tick each one off as you go.


Ensure everything on your list has an order in which it should be accomplished – some people do this by assigning certain tasks to certain days, others number their tasks in order of importance.

Avoid distractions

If there is something that is happening in the office which may take your attention away from the task at hand, plan for it by allowing yourself a little free time amongst your list of must-do items so it doesn’t throw you off track.

Look after yourself

Self-care is important with everything we do, make sure you take time every day to get outdoors, enjoy a full lunch break and do whatever it is you need to do to keep happy.

One you’ve got all of the above down pat; the benefits of time management will become more and more apparent to both your career and you.